
“倒时差”在英语中通常被翻译为“adjust to the time difference”或“adjust to jet lag”。这两个短语都表达了适应新时区所带来的生物钟紊乱的过程。
- “adjust to the time difference”强调了适应新时区的过程,即调整自己的生物钟以符合新时区的作息规律。
- “adjust to jet lag”则更侧重于处理由时差引起的身体不适,即所谓的“时差反应”。
- Adjusting to jet lag is always difficult for me; I always feel tired for the first few days in a new time zone.(对我来说,倒时差总是很难,我在新时区的前几天总是感到疲倦。)
- To adjust to the time difference, I try to eat and sleep according to the new time zone's schedule.(为了适应时差,我试着按照新时区的作息时间吃饭和睡觉。)
晕车在英语中被翻译为“carsickness”或“motion sickness”(特指由运动引起的恶心和不适)。
- “carsickness”是“晕车”的直译,特指在乘车过程中出现的恶心、头晕等症状。
- “motion sickness”则更广泛,涵盖了所有由运动引起的恶心和不适,包括晕车、晕船和晕机等。
- Do you get carsick?(你晕车吗?)
- She gets sick when she rides in a bus.(她乘公共汽车时会晕车呕吐。)
头晕在英语中被翻译为“dizziness”或“feel dizzy”。
- “dizziness”是头晕的名词形式,描述了头部感觉眩晕的状态。
- “feel dizzy”则是动词短语,表示感到头晕。
- The musty aroma of incense made her head swim.(熏香发霉的气味令她感到头晕。)
- Suddenly feeling faint, he measured out his length on the floor.(他突然感到头晕,跌倒在地。)
- Jet lag is really kicking my butt.(时差反应真让我受不了。)
- I'm still adjusting to the new time zone.(我还在适应新时区。)
- Staying up late helped me adjust to the time difference.(熬夜帮助我适应了时差。)
- I feel sleepy all day because of jet lag.(因为时差反应,我整天都感到困倦。)
- Drinking plenty of water helps alleviate jet lag.(多喝水有助于缓解时差反应。)
- I'm trying to stay awake until it's bedtime in the new time zone.(我正努力保持清醒,直到新时区的睡觉时间。)
- My body clock is all messed up because of the time difference.(因为时差,我的生物钟全乱了。)
- Taking melatonin supplements helped me adjust to the time difference.(服用褪黑素补充剂帮助我适应了时差。)
- I'm feeling more energetic now that I've adjusted to the new time zone.(现在我适应了新时区,感觉更有活力了。)
- Jet lag is a pain, but it's worth it for the trip.(时差反应很痛苦,但为了这次旅行,它值得。)